Tuesday, April 30, 2013

NDP @Coosa County

National Day of Prayer

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)

“Prayer is simply a two way conversation between you and God.”

 -Billy Graham, April 28, 2013

In Coosa County, at the crossroads of the county, where the county seat is, we will observe the National Day of Prayer with several events.  Beginning the day at 6:15, I will join several men from Rockford for our weekly prayer breakfast and we will remember our nation and leaders.  At 7:45 AM I have the pleasure of joining the Central Middle School in a time of prayer for our nation.  Then at noon, in the courtyard of the Courthouse we will join a few hundred for a short time of prayer.

This will be my 5th year to be a part of this event in our small county, but it will be the 62nd year for the event on a national level. 

The following is a press Release from NDP media@nationaldayofprayer.org which was circulated on April 8th:  


Americans to Unite and Pray on Thursday May 2, for the 62nd Annual Observance of the National Day of Prayer

Colorado Springs, Colorado (April 8, 2013)-As our nation struggles with continued economic insecurity, vast healthcare reform, and countless challenges to our constitutional rights, citizens of the United States are preparing to exercise their freedom to gather, worship, and pray.  Millions will answer the call to prayer on May 2nd in observance of the 62nd annual National Day of Prayer.  Organized events will be held in thousands of public venues where intercession will be made for America and its leadership.

This year’s theme, “Pray for America,” is based on Matthew 12:21 which reminds us that “In His name the nations will put their hope.”  National Day of Prayer (NDP) Task Force Chairman Shirley Dobson, wife of Family Talk founder Dr. James Dobson, has said that, “The American people continue to be plagued with challenges that defy simple answers, and our hope lies in humbly seeking the Almighty’s guidance, protection, and blessing-not only on the National Day of Prayer, but throughout the year.”

Senior Pastor of Harvest Fellowship and Founder of Harvest Crusades-Greg Laurie-will serve as the 2013 Honorary Chairman of the NDP Task Force and will give the keynote address at the National Observance in Washington, D.C., to be held at the Cannon House Office Building.

To learn more, or to find a National Day of Prayer event in your community, visit www.NationalDayofPrayer.org.


“The nations will have hope because of him.”

Matthew 12:21 (GW)

Many are looking for hope.  Much attention has been drawn toward the White House, because the man sitting in the Oval Office promised “Hope and Change.”  Americans are feeling the pinch that change is bringing, but there is little hope.  The government debt continues to spiral out of control, wars and rumors of wars loom on every front, while a little man with a big mouth is stirring up strife in a foreign country were we have a truce, but the war never ended.

On the home front we have bombings, mass murders, shootings, assaults, and robberies to name just a few of the problems.  Not to mention the low morale, the gutter filled with sickening immoral attitudes and the church sitting idly by allowing the world to go to “hell in a hand basket.”  There is less hope for a future and less hope for a miracle than ever before.

This is why the nation needs to observe this Day of Prayer as never before.  We need to band together across denominational aisles, ethic boundaries, and put aside social status and preconceived notions and hit our knees as a nation.  We need to seek the help and assistance, the intervening power of Almighty God and call out to the only One who can give hope.

As the nation prays to the God of Heaven, the Creator and Sustainer of Life, we must acknowledge our own sin.  We must seek Him and His mercy for our own lives.  By doing so, we will see the hand of God move in ways we have never seen before.  That is why prayer must begin with confession and deep soul searching, not as a bargaining chip, but as a clean slate before God.  He only can cleanse sin and make righteous that which has acted unrightfully.

His promise is that He will hear, He will forgive and He will heal.  We must allow Him to act in our lives and in the life of our nation.  We must stop attempting to clean up the mess we have made; we have proven that we just make matters worse.  When God comes along and is allowed to make what is wrong right, it will be right with protection.

So let us pray and seek God.  His Word says to “be still and know that I am God.”  This Thursday, take a moment to be still before the maker of the universe and see what God will do in your life, in your nation, and in our world.

God bless America, again!


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