Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Summer 2012 Alabama Sheriff’s Star has hit the mailboxes of sheriffs, police chief’s and others, and here in Coosa County we are as excited as we can be about it.
Each year the Alabama Sheriff’s Star is published by the Alabama Sheriff’s Association and Callen Publishing in quarterly editions.  In each edition, one of the elected Sheriff’s in our state is featured with an article and photos.  Additionally, pictures are included from each of the Sheriff’s Ranches within the state, advertising, and pictures from various meetings of the ASA.
The reason we are excited about this edition, is that the 2012 Summer Edition features our Sheriff, Terry Wilson.  There is a possibility this is the first time a Coosa County sheriff has been featured; this is something I have heard, but I may be wrong.  This time I know we made it.  As the first sitting republican sheriff, an active member of the Rockford Baptist Church, and a well-seasoned and wise lawman, all of Coosa County is proud to have our Sheriff featured in this edition.
An article appearing in the Coosa Journal, July 2012:
The Summer Edition of the Sheriffs Star, a quarterly publication of the Alabama Sheriffs Association, featured our Sheriff, Terry Wilson. 
Beginning with page 3 of the magazine, thirty one pages chronicle “Sheriff Terry Wilson…[and] the sheriff’s interesting career and big advancements for the county’s law enforcement.”
With an article detailing the military and the law enforcement career of Sheriff Wilson, along with pictures of the Sheriff in and around the county with friends, family, and co-workers readers are given an inside glimpse of the work of Coosa County’s top law enforcement agent.
For Coosa County this is a first.  While Sheriff Evans was in office, he was approached, but the details were never able to fall in place.  But for Sheriff Wilson all the pieces came to together back in February with the photographer for the magazine coming to Rockford, taking the day to capture pictures and meeting people.
Additionally, the Sheriff worked with his wife Ran, and Chaplain Fuller and Reserve Investigator Glover to assemble the article which accompanies the pictures.
This magazine is placed in the hands of every mayor, police chief and sheriff within the state of Alabama, along with copies available for friends and family. 
We wish to take this opportunity to congratulate the sheriff for being chosen for this great honor, as well as giving thanks to him for making us proud to be a part of this great county.
It is a true honor for Sheriff Wilson and the county as a whole.  Oh, thanks Terry for the autograph on my copy. 

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