Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Weighing the evidence of scriptural truth

Thoughts on Scriptural Truth



While I am somewhat surprised at the news out of Birmingham recently, I am not really surprised at all.  The Baptist Church of the Covenant, located a few blocks from the UAB Campus and the UAB Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama has not been a full-fledged Southern Baptist Convention Church or as we are told to say it in political correctness-A Great Commission Church-since its inception.  As such I do not believe that it has been doctrinally sound, nor adhering to scriptural mandates in the purist sense of the word.

You may be behind the curve here, so let me share with you what the “news” is regarding this “church.”  One Sunday morning during the month of August (2013), the pastor, Rev. Sarah Jackson Shelton spoke in regards to her policy to refer couples of the same sex to other ministerial members of the congregation for “Same-Sex Unions” because she “has reconsidered her previous policy of not performing marriage-like commitment service for same-sex couples.”  Stating that it was “inconsistent to accept LGBT members into every area of church life except marriage” she has “become more and more grieved not to be allowed to stand with the people whom I am called to serve.”  Furthermore, she said it was “hypocritical” to welcome them into the privacy of her office, take them into church membership, baptize them, serve them communion, dedicate their babies, appoint and ordain them to positions of leadership, receive their tithes and offerings, offer prayer beside their bed, and speak words of remembrance at their funerals, but not condone same-sex unions.

Yes, BCC is considered progressive, and is dubbed as a place “Where faith comes to life inclusive,” and is written about by the press as “an early advocate of women in ministry,” thus choosing in 2000 Rev. Shelton as interim pastor, then in 2002 voting her as Senior Pastor, thus Shelton became the first woman pastor of the church.  There is still a huge problem with her service as a pastor from a scriptural mandate, but we can deal with that at a later time.  Additionally, the church was organized as a “moral protest” when First Baptist Birmingham refused to accept two African Americans as church members.  In 1970, as a “protest” 300 people became charter members of the new church and established a course of action that has led them through muddy waters, and much more so now.

(See and for more information)

In a press release from the Birmingham Baptist Association, it was confirmed of their withdrawal from the Southern Baptist Convention, Alabama Baptist State Board Of Missions, and the Birmingham Baptist Association: “The church voted to align itself with only the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and The Alliance and therefore would no longer be sending any funds in support of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Alabama Baptist State Convention, and the Birmingham Baptist Association.  As a result of the decision by the church, they are no longer affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, the Alabama Baptist Convention and the Birmingham Baptist Association.”

For informational purposes alone, take a moment and review the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and The Alliance. 

Born in 1991, a self-described theologically moderate organization, the CBF withdrew from the Southern Baptist Convention over philosophical and theological differences between the two factions.  It began in August of 1990 as a reaction to the conservative movement of the denominations consideration of biblical inerrancy and a liberal drift which was taking place at many of the Southern Baptist Seminaries.  The controversy which had lasted for some ten years, came to a head when the liberal and moderate factions felt threatened by the power of the conservative presidents, duly elected by the majority of the body since 1979, to appoint members of committees and commissions.  As a result of this continual resurgence of the conventions return to “truth, without any error,” the liberal faction began an organization called the Alliance of Baptist in 1987.  Following suit, the moderately frustrated members of the SBC met in Atlanta Georgia and organized the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, because the conservatives had departed from Baptist distinctives.

Also, understand that this organization is involved with the Baptist Center for Ethics, Baptist Joint Committee on Religious Liberty, and the Baptist World Alliance. 

The Alliance, as referred to in the press release of the BBA, is actually called the Alliance of Baptist.  This is the body which was spoken of earlier, the more liberal group, which was an offshoot of the conservative resurgence.  In its theological and social stance they are characterized as progressive or a liberal fellowship.  The vast majority of churches aligned with The Alliance, 130 congregations and individuals as of 2012, have either severed ties completely with the SBC and local associations, or have nominal ties without sending delegates or financial support, due to theological and ideological incompatibilities.  These incompatibilities surround the ordination of woman to ministry positions and actively “encourages its congregations toward inclusiveness with respect to homosexuality.”

(See www.wikipedia for more information on these two organizations)         

Therefore, I am not surprised at this move of the Baptist Church of the Covenant to disaffiliate with various scripturally sound bodies of cooperation and run toward the more liberal/moderate form of church government.  The church along with others has toed the edge of the boundaries from inception, and has finally stood up and said they will not follow the truth, giving in to error in all things, instead of just a few.

This does not surprise me, but it does sadden me, breaking my heart and tearing at my soul.  I am dismayed that there those in the religious community who continually take the Word of God, dividing it and destroying truth.  Sounds a great deal akin to the problems Paul faced in his day, as he came against those who would attempt to “profit from the Word,” speak what others wanted to hear and give credence to a works based salvation.  The tickling of ears will destroy and demean the gospel of Christ Jesus, reducing it to a level which is not Christian and not acceptable in eternity.

Take for an example the lack of preaching on the subject of hell.  Some have said in times past that there is just no way that a good God would allow anyone to go to hell, a place of suffering for all of eternity.  This is what has led many good people down the road of universalism.  These have taken the scriptures, twisting them to meet their own self-serving demands and stating that all people are going to heaven, no matter what they have done or do.  This is found nowhere in the Bible that I preach from.

How about the issue of security?  Some say that the security of the believer is not found in the Word of God, while others contend that it is the principle and precept of the Word of God.  It seems that there are those who believe you can lose your salvation, be saved again, only to fail and be lost again; how much trauma these vain interruptions places on the unsuspecting individual who lives in fear of whether they are saved or not saved.   

Then there is the preaching of inclusion.  In being inclusive, many a congregation has fallen prey to the subtle changes of liberalism.  By inclusion I am referring to churches that open the doors and say, “Y’all come! Ye hear!”  They accept people into membership and into leadership roles which is neither scriptural nor healthy for a church with a portion of its membership which wishes to stay both biblical and spiritually alive.  In recklessly following these teachings of inclusion, the church is heading for certain demise. 

Which leads to the thought of woman in leadership.  When I examine the Word of God I see several places where the woman is not designed to take a leadership role over men.  Particularly in the area of pastoral leadership, the woman cannot assert leadership in the area of instruction.  You examine where this has taken place and you will find time and again, either a watering down of the message of the Word, or a deadening of the church, or both. 

Then there is the issue of sexuality.  All of the above mentioned issues are real and relevant within the church, as a whole today.  Each has led to this newest controversy of our modern day.  AS such it is time to take a stand, accept the teaching of God, and stop the contention at the very root of the evil which has manifested itself among us.

In the case of BCC, or any church in that matter, to openly and unashamedly speak of those who live in the sin of homosexuality serving in leadership positions, being “married” in the church and such “unions” being recognized, partaking of communion, and accepted in their biblically condemned state of rebellion is a violation of the mandate and message of the Word of God and a softening of the principles of fellowship which have stood for 2,000 years.

Take a few scriptures as evidence.

In Galatians, Paul speaks to the church about the things which will result in no eternity.

“Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar. I tell you about these things in advance—as I told you before—that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

(Galatians 5:19-21 (HCSB)

This section of scripture has to do with the works of the Spirit of God and the new life within the believer verses the works of the flesh.  That one who is in the Spirit, saved by the grace of God will abandon the works of the old life and “walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.”  Furthermore, the old Apostle writes, “For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you don’t do what you want.” (Galatians 5:16-17 HCSB)

Regarding verses 19-21, John MacArthur writes,

“These sins characterize all unredeemed mankind living under the impotent commands of the law which produces only iniquity, though not ever person manifests all these sins nor exhibits them to the same degree.  Paul’s list, which is not exhaustive, encompasses three areas of human life: sex, religion, and human relationships.”

In verse 19, the Apostle points out that the sins of the flesh come to the surface, are evident and disturbing.  He says that of these sins is the sin of “fornication…lewdness.”  The word fornication, comes from Greek word, “porneia,” and is the English word, “pornography.”  It refers, if you will, to all illicit sexual activity including, but not limited to: adultery, premarital sex, homosexuality, bestiality, incest, and prostitution.  “Lewdness” refers to any excessive behavior or lack of restraint, but eventually came to be associated with sexual excess and indulgence.

If we were to leave the subject and accept this as sufficient evidence, then we would have to agree that since these individuals are still practicing such fleshly desires, they would forfeit the right to leadership in the church, much less fellowship within the church.  I am able to say this because in Acts 2, the scripture says that the First Century Church “accepted his message…devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to the prayers. Then fear came over everyone, and many wonders and signs were being performed through the apostles. Now all the believers were together and held all things in common…they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple complex, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with a joyful and humble attitude, praising God and having favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to them those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:41-47 HCSB)

There is yet another scripture, also penned by the Apostle Paul:

“And you were dead in your trespasses and sins in which you previously walked according to the ways of this world, according to the ruler who exercises authority over the lower heavens, the spirit now working in the disobedient. We too all previously lived among them in our fleshly desires, carrying out the inclinations of our flesh and thoughts, and we were by nature children under wrath as the others were also. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love that He had for us, made us alive with the Messiah even though we were dead in trespasses. You are saved by grace!


Ephesians 2:1-5 (HCSB)


Related to the subject at hand, this section of scripture finds acceptance and applies.  Paul says to the Ephesian believers that they once were listed among the transgressors of Galatians 5.  These were once tripping in their sin, headed toward a sinner’s grave and the judgment of God, “But God” in grace-God’s Riches At Christ Expense-has rescued them from the sin of the flesh and given them forgiveness of sin.  Verse 8 and 9, says, “For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift—not from works, so that no one can boast.”

Once the grace of Jesus comes and the unbeliever is a believer, leaving behind the old way of life, demonstrating the fruits of righteousness within their life, then and only then are they able to find true fellowship and acceptance in the Family of God and in leadership positions.

“Don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be deceived: No sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, or anyone practicing homosexuality, no thieves, greedy people, drunkards, verbally abusive people, or swindlers will inherit God’s kingdom. And some of you used to be like this. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (HCSB)

For an unknown reason, some do not wish to read this section of scripture correctly.  Attempting to use human reasoning and worldly wisdom, they wish to distort and destroy the meaning and intent.  Therefore, I point out to you that the scripture says, “The unrighteous will not inherit God’s kingdom.”  The “kingdom” is prepared for those who are, well how better a way to say it than to say, prepared?  The ones accepted and made righteous, have washed their clothes in the Lamb’s blood, shed for them on the cross of Calvary.  These have accepted the grace of God, the forgiveness of sin, the cleansing of the old ways, and stand in unity with Him.

Yet, the list reflects those who “used to be.”  In the former life, the old life, the life of rebellion and sin, selfishness and self-centeredness, we all were counted as one or the other, or even all, of those listed.  What a shame!  What hopelessness!  What pain!     

Now, we are free!  We have staked our claims with the Savior, accepted the free gift of His salvation.  The scripture says it best, “you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”  Oh, happy day!  We are His by adoption and no longer living in open defiance of His Word.  That is the only way to life and happiness; life eternal and happiness pressed down, shaken together and pouring over in this life!

One step further, yet I will take this up in a later post and expand on it.  For the one who knows Christ and knows to do good and does not do it, to that person it is sin.  While some might say that they do not believe that a “Same sex Union” is wrong and therefore they do not accept it as a sin.  Or someone may contend that being “gay” was not a choice they made, but they were created that way.  Or someone might parrot that all people deserve to have their rights, even within the church.  My advice to them is to give me support from the scriptures!  Tell me that the scriptures teach that God honors and accepted “Same sex Unions,” that God created a person to be a heterosexual or a homosexual, and that “gay” rights are biblical and acceptable to God.  No one can!

If you know Christ as Savior, you believe in the grace that was extended to you, then you will live according to His Words and His mandates.  Your life will reflect Him in all that you do, all that you say.  Otherwise you are in rebellion, lost in your sin and will be subjected to the judgment of God which will result in banishment from Him from all of eternity.

For those who know Christ and His pardon and redemption, they will not be involved in a church that supports or accepts a life style that is contrary to the teachings of scripture.  Furthermore, a believer will do all within their power to teach, preach and speak regarding the truth of the Word of God.